Barnard College Campus Access Updates
Level B: Main entry point open to everyone with a BC/CU ID

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We are excited to announce that Quincy Williams started the position of Student Engagement and Access Services Librarian at Barnard Library this month. This new position supports student affirmation and success through social justice-based access services including programming of the Barnard Library spaces, coordinating textbook affordability programs, sustaining and managing a team of wonderful student staff members, and leading and managing the vital team of three Access Services staff members.

In addition to his vibrant vision for Access Services at Barnard Library, Quincy brings to this position twenty-three years of outstanding experience and leadership in libraries. In his past work, he has evolved access services at NYPL through positions at multiple branches including the Library for the Performing Arts; and he has worked at Barnard Library since 2017. In the summer of 2019, Barnard College recognized Quincy with one of two campus-wide inaugural Barnard Excellence Awards; the award honored Quincy’s vital leadership in access services as accessibility work and in creating affirming work and library spaces with and for students who identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or people of color as well as multiple of these and/or other historically marginalized identities.