Circulation & Help Desk Staff
Welcome to the Circulation and Help Desk!

We are the hub for circulating collections at Barnard Library. We can help you find anything you need or direct you to someone who can. We can answer questions about printing and scanning, loan out chargers and white board markers, check out books or help you find books, and we oversee study rooms. Stop by the circulation desk or email us at if you have any questions.
A note about how we provide service here
We do the best we can to create a community space that is safe and welcoming. We believe that libraries should be a place where we can learn, study, and explore together in an environment with respect and care for everyone at its foundation. We trust that you will join us in creating a space where compassion, encouragement, and kindness shine. We are committed to:
Inclusivity and anti-oppression: We provide a space where people can expect to work in an atmosphere free of racist, sexist, homophobic, ableist, elitist, entitled, and unjust attitudes, comments, behaviors, and actions. We also provide a space free of inappropriate policing of fellow community members and visitors of our library.
We do not tolerate harassment of any kind.
We all strive to avoid reproducing social hierarchies. We recognize that celebrating diversity and equality, in our collections and in our actions, is about more than what kinds of books we buy. It is a commitment to recognizing and dismantling power structures in the resources we collect and in how we treat one another.
Contact Us
If you’d like to contact the Circulation and Help Desk, you may call us at 212-854-3953 or email us at
We can't wait to hear from you!