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photo of curly haired young woman smiling. she's wearing pinky red lipstick. there is a pink blue sunset in the sky behind her and she is sitting on a wooden dock.



I am Ellie (she/her), a recent Barnard graduate class of 2022 and first year master's candidate at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. At Barnard, I studied women, gender, and sexuality studies with a concentration in feminist intersectional science and technology studies. At Mailman, I am currently studying for a Master's in Public Health from the Population and Family Health Department. I am very passionate about imagining and building the world I want to live in through love and care work such as mutual aid. In my free time, I utilize digital technologies to organize mutual aid campaigns for Palestinian families in Gaza.

I am super excited to be working at the Barnard Zine Library this summer. I first learned about Zines after coming to Barnard and have been intrigued by them since. Being in the Zine library makes me feel connected to something larger than myself. I am surrounded by the stories, experiences, fears, hopes, and demands of the thousands and thousands of the activist writers before me. And maybe just like me, as they took pen to paper and began collaging and moving they weren't thinking of themselves as activists. The Zine Library reminds me to keep asking myself what is activism? What defines activism? When I read the zines, I consider modes of survival and modes of struggle across thousands and thousands of lives. I also wonder if the author meant for me or someone like me to be reading their Zine reminding me of audience and of course community!