Library News

We've Got a Zine for That! Each month we highlight zines with a topical theme. The theme for May 2023 is self-care zines! We hope you'll take the zines' message into consideration as you work your way through final papers and exams.

The Movement Lab and Zine Library will host a series of crossover Stillness Labs Wednesdays in November 11:45-12:45 in MLC 020.

We have circulating zine kits! They contain:

2 glue sticks
2 magazines or catalogs
8 extra fine markers in assorted colors
Ambidextrous scissors
Plastic bone folder
Stencil set
Zine kit zine

With Valentine's Day approaching, we want folks to know that there's a place in the zine library for people who aren't interested in sex and/or romantic love.